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Incident Response and Threat hunting with OSQuery and Fleet

In this guide, we are going to explore some powerful tools to help you enhance your incident response and threat hunting assessments. These tools are OSQuery and Kolide Fleet.

Image source: OSQUERY logo

Let's start exploring the first tool OSQuery

OSQuery Overview

According to its official Github repository:

Osquery is a __ __ SQL __ __ powered __ __ operating system __ __ instrumentation, __ __ monitoring __, and__ __analytics__ __framework. It is Available for__ __Linux__ , __ __ macOS __,__ __Windows,__and FreeBSD.

Its official website is

To download OSQuery visit:

For the demonstration, we are going to use a Ubuntu 18.04 TLS server machine. To install it on our Ubuntu server type the following commands:

export OSQUERY\_KEY=1484120AC4E9F8A1A577AEEE97A80C63C9D8B80B

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys $OSQUERY\_KEY

sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] []( deb main'

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install osquery

OSQuery delivers these modes:

  • Osqueryi: Interactive shell
  • Osqueryd: Deamon

To start using OSQuery simply type:


To explore the available commands type .help

To explore the available tables type


To explore the schema of a specific table type

.schema <TABLE_HERE>

For example if you want to get the users type:

select * from users ;

To select loggedin users type:

select * from logged_in_users ;

The official website contains the list of all the available tables and its schemes. For example this is the scheme of Kernel_info table

For example to select the version of the kernel type:

select version from Kernel_info

Let's suppose that you want to automate a specific query (selecting users) every 300 seconds. Edit the /etc/osquery/osquery.conf file and add your rules

"schedule": { "Users": { "query": "SELECT * FROM users;", "interval": 300 } },

A collection of queries is called a Pack. OSQuery provides many hekpful packs that you can use in your assessments here:

This is a query from that retreive all the startup items in MacOS hosts:

But now, what to do if we want to deploy OSQuery in large scale environments and we want to manage them all easily. In this situation we need another powerful platform called "Kolide Fleet"

Kolide Fleet (OSQuery Management)

:heavy_exclamation_mark: Kolide is no longer maintaining Fleet. The new name is Fleet and can be found here:

Fleet is the most widely used open source osquery manager. Deploying osquery with Fleet enables programmable live queries, streaming logs, and effective management of osquery across 50,000+ servers, containers, and laptops. It's especially useful for talking to multiple devices at the same time.

According to its official Github repository:

Fleet is the most widely used __ __ open-source __ __ osquery Fleet manager. Deploying osquery with Fleet enables live queries, and effective __ __ management __ __ of osquery infrastructure.

Image source: Kolide fleet

To install it use the following commands:


sudo apt-get install unzip

Unzip the file:

sudo unzip

Enter the linux folder:

Copy the binaries in /usr/bin

sudo cp * /usr/bin/

Install this required program:

sudo apt install software-properties-common

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8

add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,arm64,ppc64el] bionic main'

sudo apt-get update

Install Maria database server and its client:

sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client

Check its status:

sudo systemctl status mariadb

Enable Mariadb service:

sudo systemctl is-enabled mariadb

Enter mysql and type the following commands:

sudo mysql -u root -p

create database kolide;

grant all on kolide.* to kolideuser@localhost identified by 'Passw0rd!';

flush privileges;


Install Redis:

sudo apt install redis

Prepare fleet:

fleet prepare db --mysql_address= --mysql_database=kolide --mysql_username=kolideuser --mysql_password=Passw0rd!

fleet serve --mysql_address= \

--mysql_database=kolide --mysql_username=kolideuser --mysql_password=Passw0rd! \

--server_cert=/etc/ssl/certs/kolide.cert --server_key=/etc/ssl/private/kolide.key \


sudo fleet serve --mysql_address= \

--mysql_database=kolide --mysql_username=kolideuser --mysql_password=Passw0rd! \

--server_cert=/etc/ssl/certs/kolide.cert --server_key=/etc/ssl/private/kolide.key \

--logging_json --auth_jwt_key=9yKI2MeThUSLtsYiCS7etUSJZD1lgHLr

Start fleet:

Go to https://\<SERVER_IP\>:8080

Provide your username, password and email

Add your organization name, the organization domain name/IP and submit:

Voila! Kolide fleet is deployed successfully.

Now let's add our host. To do so, click on "ADD NEW HOST" and you will get this window. It provides a key called "OSQuery enroll secret" that we are going to use later.

To add the host, we need to install the fleet launcher. In our case we are using the same host.


Unzip the file:

sudo unzip launcher\

Enter the Linux file:

cd linux

Start the launcher

./launcher --hostname= --root_directory=$(mktemp -d) --enroll_secret=<COPY SECRET KEY HERE> --insecure

Congratulation! if you refresh the Kolide fleet dashboard you will see the newly added host

To run and add queries go to QUERY -\> New Query

Type the SQL Query

Select the targets/hosts

Click on "Run". You will get the query outputs below:

